
Thursday, December 13, 2012

Sydney Carton- a man who influenced my life

Recepies for hot drinks

it's freezing cold and nothing will be better than a cup of hot drink with a relaxing music and a cozy blanket while reading a book
and here are some recepies i really recommend

  1. fat free hot chocolate
  • 1 Tablespoon unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 3 Tablespoons of your favorite artificial sweetener
  • 1 cup of non-fat milk
  • 1/4 teaspoon vanilla
  • 1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon or nutmeg
  • 1 tablespoon of fat-free cool whip
        2. sour fruits mix
it's a delicious mix i tried myself before and realy it worth drinking
1 jar  Tang breakfast drink (orange flavor)
1 cup artificial sweetener

1/2 cup lemon zest
1/2 cup instant tea
1 apricot Jell-O

2 1/2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
1 teaspoon ground cloves grinded

Combine these dry ingredients and store in an airtight container. This recipe makes 50 servings so it is perfect for dividing up and giving away as gifts. Put these directions on the gift jar:
Use 1 1/2 tablespoons per cup of boiling water

"Daguerreotype photography"

as i am a photography freak . i can't forget mentioning the great daguerre and his camera
AKA Louis-Jacques-Mandé Daguerre
Born: 18-Nov-1787
Birthplace: Cormeilles, France
Died: 10-Jul-1851
Location of death: Bry-sur-Marne, France
Cause of death: Heart Failure
Gender: Male
Race or Ethnicity: White
Sexual orientation: Straight
Occupation: Inventor, Photographer
Nationality: France
Executive summary: Invented Daguerreotype photography
French painter and physicist, inventor of the daguerreotype, born at Cormeilles, in the department of Seine-et-Oise, and died on the 12th of July 1851 at Petit-Brie-sur-Marne, near Paris. He was at first occupied as an inland revenue officer, but soon took to scene painting for the opera. He assisted Pierre Prévost (1764-1823) in the execution of panoramic views of Rome, Naples, London, Jerusalem, and Athens, and subsequently (July 11, 1822), in conjunction with Bouton, he opened at Paris the Diorama, an exhibition of pictorial views, the effect of which was heightened by changes in the light thrown upon them. An establishment similar to that at Paris was opened by Daguerre in Regent's Park, London. On the 3rd of March 1839 the Diorama, together with the work on which Daguerre was then engaged, was destroyed by fire.
This reverse of fortune was soon, however, more than compensated for by the distinction he achieved as the inventor of the daguerreotype photographic process. Nicéphore Niépce, who since 1814 had been seeking a means of obtaining permanent pictures by the action of sunlight, learned in 1826 that Daguerre was similarly occupied. In 1829 he communicated to Daguerre particulars of his method of fixing the images produced in the camera lucida by making use of metallic plates coated with a composition of asphalt and oil of lavender; this, where acted on by the light, remained undissolved when the plate was plunged into a mixture of petroleum and oil of lavender, and the development of the image was effected by the action of acids and other chemical reagents on the exposed surface of the plate. The two investigators labored together in the production of their heliographic pictures from 1829 until the death of Niepce in 1833.
Daguerre, continuing his experiments, discovered eventually the process connected with his name. This, as he described it, consists of five operations: the polishing of the silver plate; the coating of the plate with iodide of silver by submitting it for about 20 minutes to the action of iodine vapor; the projection of the image of the object upon the golden-colored iodized surface; the development of the latent image by means of the vapor of mercury; and, lastly, the fixing of the picture by immersing the plate in a solution of sodium "hyposulphite" (sodium thiosulphate).
On the 9th of January 1839, at a meeting of the Academy of Sciences, François Arago dwelt on the importance of the discovery of the daguerreotype; and, in consequence of the representations made by him and Gay-Lussac to the French government, Daguerre was on the 15th of June appointed an officer of the Legion of Honor. On the same day a bill was presented to the chambers, according to the provisions of which Daguerre and the heir of Niepce were to receive annuities of 6000 and 4000 francs respectively, on the condition that their process should be made known to the Academy. The bill having been approved at the meetings of the two chambers on the 9th of July and on the 2nd of August, Daguerre's process, together with his system of transparent and opaque painting, was published by the government, and soon became generally known. Daguerre wrote a memoir, Historique et description des procédés du daguerréotype et du diorama (Paris, 1839), and another work, Nouveau moyen de préparer la couche sensible des plaques destinées à recevoir les images photographiques (Paris, 1844)

daguerre taking pictures

the daguerre camera

the daguerre camera 

بيرم التونسي .. هتجن ياريت يا يخولنا مرحتش لندن ولا بريز

the Brilliant Poet - Byram eltunsi - wrote this beautiful piece of poetry and honestly nothing is more sarcastic or funny than this

Romantic vs non romantic


السلام عليكم  إزيكم أنا نورهان للي ميعرفنيش أنا نون . أنا من مواليد
 , الجيل الفلذا اللي اتبهدل وشاف اللي ماحدش شافه ,

 عشنا في عصر مبارك واتبهدلنا الثانوية العامة اتغيرت 3 مرة سنة سنتين سنة سنتين , احنا الجيل اللي رجعت فيه ستة ابتدائي ,  معنديش اخوات , ومدلعة  بحب منير وفيروز وأم كلثوم ,بحب محمد فوزي ومبحبش الدوشة , مبحبش اعدت الستات ورغي الستات ومبحبش اللي بيتحشره في الليمالهمش فيه , علمت نفسي التصوير ,علمت نفسي كل حاجة , المفروض ني صيدلانية بحبها ومبحبهاش , مش عاجبني اللي بيحصل في بلدنا الرغي الكتير كل واحد بقى ضليع في السياسة والدستور والقوانين . فكرت في يوم من الايام لما تفتي في حاجة علشان الناس تسقفلك والدك هيقولولك إيه ,فكرت لما تقبل ربنا هتقوله أنا عملت كده ليه .أنا اهلاوية صميمة , ومصرية صميمة وعمري  ماهسيب بلدي عمري ماهسيب حد  يخربها . أصل بلدنا دي حلوة زيادة عن اللزوم أنا بحب السودوكو وال منوبولي , مبحبش العربي أصل كان صعب قوي , بس برده دي لغة بلدي هاتعلمها يعني هاتعلمها . بحب أي حاجةليها دعوة بالبحر والسمك والمية . أنا رغاية آه بس بحب أسمع كويس .. الله الوطن الاهلي 

the twenties girl

i was always said to be a book worm
and yes i am a bookworm . i love reading , closing my eyes and just seeing what i am reading, i was said to be having the visual style of learning . one of the books that was soooooooooooo much interesting and affected me for months and months was the twenties girl 
Lara Lington has always had an overactive imagination, but suddenly that imagination seems to be in overdrive.When the spirit of Lara’s great-aunt Sadie—a feisty, demanding girl with firm ideas about fashion, love, and the right way to dance—mysteriously appears, she has one request: Lara must find a missing necklace that had been in Sadie’s possession for more than seventy-five years, because Sadie cannot rest without it.
Lara and Sadie make a hilarious sparring duo, and at first it seems as though they have nothing in common. But as the mission to find Sadie’s necklace leads to intrigue and a new romance for Lara, these very different “twenties” girls learn some surprising truths from and about each other

away from the book.... it grabbed my attention the small tiny details of the early 1920s dressing and makeup details.. music ... dances and even girls behaviors

how life was easy . how love was beautiful and truthful in the early 20s.. how girls were acting like ladies , and this beautiful charlestone dance 

i couldn't resist reading about that brilliant writer Sophie Kinsella 
see what she wrote about the piece of jewelery she picked to talk about in her book 
the dragonfly golden necklace 

When I was at college I had a bicycle which I rarely used and which sat, week after week, in the bike racks. One day I went to get it out--and found a diamante necklace twined round the spokes of the front wheel. It was an old, vintage-style necklace, one of the prettiest things I’d ever seen. On my bike! How had it got there? Had someone borrowed my bike and dropped it? Was it a romantic gift from a secret admirer? (Ok, unlikely...)
I put up a notice in college--but got no claimers. It was mine! I wore that necklace over and over--and felt as though it had somehow magical qualities. Would it have felt so magical if it were a scarf or a hat or a purse? I don’t think so.
Jewelry has a magic all its own. Precious stones have always attracted legends, myths, crimes, lust. Quite sane women will go to pieces at the sight of a big enough diamond. Even as a tiny child I was fascinated by beads, jewels, tiaras...anything that glittered. And, like books, I find it hard to give pieces of jewelry away, even after I’ve stopped wearing them.
The biggest symbol of jewelry is love. Whose heart doesn’t stop on being presented with a little velvet box? Who secretly doesn’t crave a diamond, however teeny? Of course true love is putting out the rubbish every night...but that won’t make you gasp and tilt your hand to catch the facets of light.
When I was writing Twenties Girl I knew I needed to give Sadie, my ghost character, a mission. There was something in the world she still wanted--and it didn’t take long to decide on jewelry. A ring seemed too obvious...bracelets too inconsequential...but a necklace was perfect. I wanted it to be tactile, romantic, and the kind of piece you could imagine wearing with anything. Guided by research into jewelry of the 1920s, I conjured up in my head a long necklace of glimmering yellow glass beads, with a dragonfly pendant set with rhinestones. Not priceless....but special. I could imagine Sadie twirling the beads as she danced, I could imagine her gathering them and letting them drop. I could see it as an iconic, timeless piece.
A dragonfly seemed a perfect emblem for Sadie, too--beautiful, fragile, and darting around like quicksilver. The dragonfly symbol has different meanings for different cultures--for some it’s a symbol of change, for others it represents the subconscious. In Japanese paintings, dragonflies can mean new light and joy. To some Native Americans they’re the souls of the dead. All of these interpretations are perfect for the character of Sadie--a ghost who needs to "move on" and for whom the dragonfly necklace has a meaning all its own.

enjoy some pictures from the great 20th era  fashion and really i recommend reading such a book 
those highly defined lips with bright lipstick was their trend 

long necklaces and highly defined lips with bright lipstick again

the charlestone dance 

special hats and the super feminine makeup

the charlestone dance